Letter from Alzira Lucas Santos to her husband, Antonio do Rosario Santos

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Letter from Alzira Lucas Santos to her husband, Antonio do Rosario Santos




Alzira sent this letter to Antonio advising him on the immigration process to get into the United States. Since Alzira was born in the United States (before moving back to Portugal), she traveled to Portugal alone to start the immigration process, with plans to bring her husband and daughter to the States next.

Ludlow, Mass. August 15, 1952
My Dear Antonio:
I hope you are enjoying perfect health, as well as our girl, and the family, I am happily in perfect health;
I will send you the age certificates, they are no longer accurate here, and they may be useful there to deal with your documents, which of course you should be notified there by the American Consul in a short time, and in case you are not called by him, go to the consulate, I will also send you a letter that I received here from the Immigration advising me that the petition to be sent there must be passed to the visa, it was approved here, and sent there to the American consul, so that he can deal with the matter there, so you wait some time, and in the event that you do not receive any news from him, you should take care to find out what is going on there, and you can even take these papers with you, which I sent you, so that they know that everything is approved here.
With this I have nothing more to say to you, give my regards a lot to our whole family, and many kisses to our girl, and receive a hearty hug from your wife who wishes you a thousand happiness.


Donated by Helena Santos.


UMass Lowell, Center for Lowell History


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Santos, Alzira Lucas, “Letter from Alzira Lucas Santos to her husband, Antonio do Rosario Santos,” Portuguese American Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://umlportuguesearchives.omeka.net/items/show/3037.

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