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This is a complete list of the Library of Congress subject headings that have been used in the PADA collection. Click each subject to see items associated with that topic.
Acolytes Actors Agriculture Alcoholism Almshouses Altars Ambassadors Angola--History--Revolution, 1961-1975 Antique and classic cars Artists Ascension Day Assault and battery Attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 1941 Automobile insurance Automobile theft Azorean Americans
Bakeries Bakery employees Baking Balls (parties) Baptism Baptismal records Barbershops Bars (Drinking establishments) Baseball coaches Baseball teams Basketball teams Beaches Berries--Harvesting Bingo Birth certificates Birthday parties Black Americans Blind Boardinghouses Boiler technicians Bookmakers (Gambling) Bowling Boxing Boy Scouts Brazilian Americans Broadcast journalism Building--Estimates Bullfights Bullying in schools Burglary
Cabo Verdean Americans Campaign management Camps Candlepin bowling Canoes and canoeing Carding Career fairs Carillon music Catholic Church--Dioceses Catholic Church--Finance Catholic Church--Societies, etc. Cats Cemeteries Childbirth at home Children of immigrants Choirs (Music) Christmas Christmas cooking Church architecture Church calendar Church group work with youth--Catholic Church Cleaning compounds Citizenship--Study and teaching City council members Civic leaders Civilian Conservation Corps Class reunions Clowns Code switching (Linguistics) Comedy Communism Community activists Community development, Urban Community development--Religious aspects--Catholic Church Community organization Community schools Composition (Music) Conflict of generations Confirmation Consecration Constitutions Construction workers Consuls Cooking Counseling in Higher Education Cows Crohn's disease in children Crocheting Crows as pets Cultural assimilation Cycling
Dairy products Dance ensembles Dance teachers Dating Demonstrations Depressions--1929 Desegregation Dictators Diners (Restaurants) Dining Cars Dinners and dining Drive-in theaters Dogs Donkeys Draft Drug abuse--Prevention Drugstores
Earthquakes Easter Easter service Education Education, Bilingual Engineering English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers Entertainers Entrepreneurship Eskimos Ethnic food Ethnic groups Ethnic neighborhoods Evening and continuation schools
Factories Falls (accidents) Fairs Family violence Farmers Fashion shows Fasts and feasts Fathers and sons Female impersonators Festivals Financial institutions Fire fighters Fires Firearms accidents First Confession and Communion Fisheries Fishers Fishing Flood damage Folk dancing, Portuguese Football Forgiveness Fourth of July Fraternal organizations Fraternal organizations--Fiance Fullbright scholars Funeral service
Girl Scouts Graduation (school) Grocer Gunshot wounds Gymnastics
Halloween Headdresses High school athletes Hospital care Hotel management House painters Hunting
Immigrant families Immigrants Immigrants--Cultural Assimilation--United States Indigenous peoples--America Infants--Death Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919 Instrumentation and orchestration (Band) Insurance Inventions Irish Americans
Kidneys--Diseases Kings and rulers
Labor unions Lacrosse Land tenure Language teachers Language policy Lent Lighthouses Livestock Loreto, Our Lady Of
Madeirans Male impersonators Manners and customs Marching bands Marriage Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint Meat industry and trade Mechanics Medicine--Practice Meningitis in children Mental health Merry-go-round Military bands Military religious orders Military sketching Mills and mill-work Minstrel shows Model minority stereotype Mortgages--United States Mother's Day Motion picture theaters Motion pictures, Portuguese Music Music--Portuguese influences Music teachers Musical theater Musicians
New Year Nuns Nursing homes
Oral tradition Ordination Orphanages Orphans
Paperboys Parades Park facilities--Planning Passports Peafowl Personal injuries Physicians Pneumonia in children Poetry Police Political paraphernalia Political posters Politicians Politics and government Portugal--Colonies Portugal--Emigration and immigration Portugal--History Portugal--History--Revolution, 1974 Portuguese American women Portuguese language Portuguese teachers Post office buildings Postmasters--United States Postmortem photography Poultry farms Poverty Processions, Religious--Catholic Church Priests Prohibition Proms Public welfare
Race relations Radio programs Railroads--Employees Real estate agents Recipes Regicide Registers of births, etc. Religious gatherings Restaurateurs Restaurants Rug and carpet industry
Sailors Seafaring life Sexual harassment of men School field trips School photography Schooners Seventh-Day Adventists Sewing Shelters for the homeless Shipbuilding Ship captains Shipwreck victims Shipwrecks Shoe industry Shrines Sledding Small-space advertising Snow Soccer Social case work Social classes Special education Statue of Liberty (New York, N.Y.) Statues Statutes Stores, Retail Street life Student counselor Student government Square-riggers Sugarcane Suicide Sunday Schools Supermarkets Swimming
Tailors Tax returns Teachers Television stations Tenement houses Tennis teams Textile industry Textile Workers' Strike, Lawrence, Mass., 1912 Track and field coaches Trading companies Tradition (Theology) Traffic accidents Transportation--Tickets Trawlers (Persons) Trawlers (vessels) Trials Tuberculosis
United States--Discovery and exploration United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783 United States. Air force. United States. Army. United States. Army. Women's Army Corps. United States. Marine Corps. United States. Marine Corps. Marine Division, 3rd United States. Navy.
Vessels (ships) Veterans Victory in Europe Day, 1945 Video arcades Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Volcanos Voter registration Voting
Waste disposal Weather Weather forecasting Wedding attendants Wedding photography Whaling Wheat beer Wills Wine and wine making Women in higher education Women household employees Women in community organization Women physicians Women's shelters World War, 1914-1918 World War, 1939-1945 World War, 1939-1945--United States--Medals World War, 1939-1945--United States--Prisoners and prisons World War, 1939-1945--Women
Youth--Alcohol use Youth centers