Melodies of Portugal - Ilha da Madeira (Track #3)

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Melodies of Portugal - Ilha da Madeira (Track #3)





[Music plays]

Elaine Ferreira would like to dedicate the next number to Dr. Joseph Camara, who recently arrived from Madeira. And here is lovely Elaine to sing "Ilha da Madeira."

[Song begins]

Quando te deixei, Madeira
Eu trouxe como bagagem
Saudades prá vida inteira
E um beijo teu prá viagem.
Agora moro ao abrigo
Desta Lisboa encantada
Que quando sonho contigo
Parece cantar comigo
Esta canção magoada.
Minha Madeira querida
Tão pequenina e garrida
Cheia de luz e de cor
Ilha de encanto e beleza
Linda terra portuguesa
Por quem quis ser trovador.
Minha Madeira velhinha
és um ninho de andorinha
Vogando no mar sem fim
No meu cantar de saudade
Eu peço a Deus que te guarde
Inteirinha para mim.

[song ends]

The voice of the lovely Elaine Ferreira. And you're listening to Melodies of Portugal and this group is available for all social functions, weddings and parties of all kinds and dances. Also, they accept requests if you have a favorite tune that you would like to hear on the program some Sunday, just write to Melodies of Portugal, WODW, Nashua, NH.

The Silver Star Cafe on the corner of Suffolk and Moody Streets in Lowell, Massachusetts, features the best in foods and liquors at reasonable prices. And, as a special added attraction, the Silver Star Cafe presents (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) the Barby Ranch Boys [?]. Paul Bee [?], George Silva, and Frankie Ares. And Wednesday and Thursday, all day Sunday too, there's Emma Gland[?]. Music seven nights a week at the Silver Star Cafe. Show starts at 8pm all week and at 2pm Sunday afternoons. Make it a day. Come early and stay late at the Silver Star Cafe at the corner of Suffolk and Moody Streets, Lowell, Massachusetts.

The Silva family sends their best wishes to Mrs. Laura Jelley, who celebrates her birthday this week. Their dedication is Petite Waltz.



Donated by Glenn Mello.


UMass Lowell, Center for Lowell History


Mello, George
Ferreira, Elaine
Rousseau, Gerry
Candy, John


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Silva, George and Ares, Frank, “Melodies of Portugal - Ilha da Madeira (Track #3),” Portuguese American Digital Archive, accessed September 12, 2024,

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